ISSN: 2578-4986
Authors: Singh S*, Rawat S, Panwar G and Sharma KK
Psoriasis is a common autoimmune disease of the skin and joints that is chronic and recurrent. On the physical, emotional, and psychological wellbeing of the affected patients, it may have a profoundly detrimental effect. By alleviating symptoms, modern medicine has significantly improved the treatment of psoriasis. Finding the best course of action for some patients can be challenging since they do not respond to treatment or the treatment loses its initial efficacy. Modern medications also come with long-term negative effects of their own. Ayurveda classify the condition as Ek kushta, a Vata-Kapha predominant Kushta. Here, a traditional Ayurvedic regimen was attempted to treat a 41-year-old male with long-standing moderate to severe erythrodermic psoriasis who had previously received systemic therapy in modern medicine without receiving an adequate response. Samshodhana coupled with Samshamana medications are the cornerstones of treatment for all varieties of Kushta, hence in this study, Virechana was administered first, followed by 30 days of Samshamana medicine. At the conclusion of treatment, a skin lesion assessment was performed.
Keywords: Psoriasis; Ek Kushta; Virechana