International Journal of Oceanography & Aquaculture (IJOAC)

ISSN: 2577-4050

Research Article

The Determination of Economic, Cultural and Environmental Sustainability of Fish Farming Culture in Nigeria

Authors: Zanna B* and Musa M

DOI: 10.23880/ijoac-16000274


The study was conducted in North East Zone of Nigeria where fishing has been the occupation of the inhabitants. The study focused on the determination of economic, cultural and environmental sustainability of fish farming culture in the study area. Data for the study was obtained from both primary and secondary sources through a public participation and stakeholders’ interview with the application of focus group discussion. The data collection for the research work was carried out within the period of 1st to 31st March 2023. Primarily, conservative qualitative method with snow-ball technique was applied and information was elicited from the cultural fish farmers on economic, cultural and environmental sustainability of fish farming culture. The study revealed the culture of fish farming did not attained true sustainability and the operation was not in a true circular economy. Recommendation were made for the community attainment of true sustainability and equally to operate in a true circular economy.

Keywords: Community; Culture; Economic; Environment; Fish Farming; Sustainability

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