Open Access Journal of Cardiology (OAJC)
ISSN: 2578-4633
Case Report
Intraoperative Atrial Fibrillation: Insights from Five Clinical
Cases and Mechanistic Elucidation
Nadir H
Choubhi M
Alioui M
Elghali T
El Jellouli W
Kachani T
Abou Elalaa Khalil*
Background: Atrial fibrillation (AF) occurring during non-cardiac procedures remains a complex clinical challenge. This article presents five clinical cases describing the occurrence of AF during non-cardiac surgery and explores the potential mechanisms behind this phenomenon.
Methods: We retrospectively reviewed five cases of patients who developed AF during non-cardiac surgical procedures. Clinical profiles, electrocardiographic data and results of additional tests were analyzed to identify risk factors and possible mechanisms.
Results: The cases presented included patients of different ages and clinical profiles, highlighting the variability of AF occurrence. Predisposing factors included perioperative stress, anesthetic use, electrolyte imbalances and underlying cardiac conditions. Potential mechanisms included electrophysiological changes, ionic imbalances and neurohormonal responses.
Conclusion: This study highlights the complexity of intraoperative AF through a series of clinical cases. By understanding the risk factors and potential mechanisms, we can consider tailored preventive strategies to minimize the occurrence of AF during surgery. This deeper understanding paves the way for significant improvements in patients’ clinical outcomes.”
Keywords: Atrial Fibrillation; Intra operative; Non-Cardiac Surgery- Mechanisms-Risk Factors
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