ISSN: 2578-4986
Authors: Anaghashree S
Background: Varicella zoster virus is the virus that causes shingles or Herpes zoster. Vesicular eruption within the dermatome that occurs unilaterally and is intensely painful. Pre-eruptive, acute exudative, and chronic are the three stages of the disease manifestation. Herpes zoster clinical manifestation includes vesiculo-pustular eruptions accompanied by excruciating pain and burning sensation, which is comparable to the symptomatology described in Ayurveda while referring to the disease kaksha mentioned in kshudra roga. Analyzing symptomatology reveals that, vitiatiation of pitta due to indulging in various causative factors affects Twak and Rakta Dhatu thereby causing this illness. Consequently, pitta shamana line of therapy is advised which helps in samprapti vighatana and dosha shamana. Materials and Methods: A 38-year-old woman’s vesicular skin lesion across her right axilla, arm, and palmar aspect of her left ring finger, along with intense pain, and burning sensation associated with blackish discoloration surrounded by inflammatory signs such as rubor, calor, dolor were her primary complaints. In this case pitta-hara line of management was employed as mentioned in the management of disease Kaksha. Observation and Result: Lesions started to shrink and fall off without any indications of further spread or reoccurrence. Falling lesions had slight yellow discharge from the sight but pain and discomforts had disappeared.
Keywords: Kaksha; Herpes Zoster; Pitta Hara Chikitsa; Shamana Aushadi; Ayurveda
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