ISSN: 2997-6200
Authors: Kobzev A , Kalchikhin V , Tikhomirov A , Kobzev A , Kalchikhin V and Tikhomirov A
A brief overview of the tasks that require information about the rainfall kinetic energy is presented. The possibilities of methods for obtaining such information using different techniques are shown. The influence of various microstructural parameters of raindrops on the kinetic energy is analyzed. This technique is illustrated by the data of measuring the characteristics of a heavy rain on July 22, 2023 in Tomsk. The measurements were carried out using the optical precipitation gauge OPTIOS. The OPTIOS measurement results are compared with the results of simplified estimates. It is concluded that the optical precipitation gauge is successfully used in solving problems requiring an accurate measurement of rainfall kinetic energy
Keywords: Optical Rain Gauge; Disdrometer; Precipitation; Rainfall Intensity; Rainfall Kinetic Energy; Soil Erosion
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