ISSN: 2578-465X
Authors: Sanaullah J* , Tariq S , Abid N , Muhammad ZK and Nasir S
Purpose: To determine safety and efficacy of non-drainage scleral buckling in selected cases of retinal detachment. Study design: Descriptive interventional case series.
Place and duration of study: This study was performed at eye unit, Khyber Girls Medical College, Hayatabad medical complex, Peshawar from 1st Feb 2016 till 31st Jan 2017 (1 year).
Methods: Total of 23 eyes of 23 patients of both gender having RD, were selected. Cases of RD with single break (preferably) or dialysis (≤ 3 clock hours) with PVR ≤ Grade B. Patients were included irrespective of macula status. We excluded cases with giant retinal tear, choroidal detachment, pseudophakic or aphakic eyes with rented posterior capsule and vitreous face disruption. Eyes with media opacities dense enough to obstruct satisfactory examination of posterior segment and eyes which had previous surgical interventions to reattach retina were also excluded. Retinal detachments of more than six clock hours (extent) were excluded. Cases which had accidental suture needle penetration, eyes with inferior bulbous RD, eyes in which tears could not be localized pre operatively and patients above 50 years of age were also not included. All cases underwent SB (non-drainages) surgery as primary intervention by a single surgeon. Silicone buckles were used as per patient’s requirement and retinal cryopexy was done in all cases. A/C paracentesis were performed in 22 (96%) cases. All patients were followed daily till resolution of SRF or for maximum of 7 days (postoperatively) & at final follow up (120th day) postoperatively.
Results: A total of 23 eyes of 23 patients were included. Mean age was 25.35 years (SD 9.49). In 11 cases (48%), macula was on at the time of presentation while in 12 cases (52%), macula was off. PVR was grade A in 20(87%) cases and in remainder it was grade B. Primary surgical success rate in our procedure was 21(91%) and final re-attachment rate after secondary interventions was 100%. Mean pre-operative BCVA was 0.97 logMAR which is equivalent to 6/60. Postoperatively mean BCVA improved to a mean of 0.35 logMAR (6/12 Snellen’s acuity). Repeat surgery was done in 2 (8.6%) cases
. Conclusion: Non-drainage SB surgery is effective and safe approach in treatment of selected cases of RD.
Keywords: Scleral Buckling; Non-Drainage Scleral Buckling; Sub-Retinal Fluid Drainage; Retinal Detachment; No Sub-Retinal Fluid Drainage
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