Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine Journal (ACCMJ)

ISSN: 2577-4301

Review Article

Anaesthesia for Oocyte Retrieval

Authors: Thapa R and Parajuli BD

DOI: 10.23880/accmj-16000228


Oocyte retrieval is a common procedure performed in assisted reproductive therapy, where the needle is inserted with transvaginal ultrasound probe. The aims of anaesthesia for oocyte retrieval are ensuring immobility, patients comfort and safety during the procedure. The average duration of the procedure is about 20-30 minutes and procedures are carried out in the day care basis. Most preferred mode of anaesthesia is total intravenous anaesthesia using short acting anaesthetic agents.

Keywords: Oocyte Retrieval; General Anaesthesia; Isoflurane Anesthesia; Anaesthesia

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