Journal of Energy and Environmental Science (JEESc)

ISSN: 2997-6200

Research Article

Sunny City - Arkadag

Authors: Penjiyev AM* and Orazov PO

DOI: 10.23880/jeesc-16000103


The article obtained systematized, scientifically substantiated gross, technical, economic and environmental energy resource potentials from the introduction and use of solar energy technologies. The technical, economic, and environmental priorities of power plants were assessed in terms of energy efficiency , fuel economy, and the impact on the environment per square meter from conversion to thermal and electrical energy in the city of Arkadag. Empirical formulas have been obtained for the implementation of solar energy technological structures and the preparation of design and estimate documentation.

Keywords: Solar Energy; Resource Potential; Green Technology; Energy Efficiency; Arkadag City; Turkmenistan

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