ISSN: 2577-4050
Authors: Chakraborty BK*
Efficacy of two inducing hormones (PG and Ovaprim) was conducted on induced breeding of endangered Kalibaus (Labeo gonius). Induced breeding of L. gonius was carried out from April to July, 2022. Male and female brood fish weighing between 0.85±0.43kg and 0.88±0.50 kg in case of male and 0.97±0.641.4kg to 0.99±0.802.5kg in case of female were selected for the induced breeding and sex ratio were maintained 1:1 for the breeding purpose. The experiment was designed with the month of April, May, June and July with PG and LHRH-A. Two hormonal sources were tested to evaluate their efficacy on ovulation, fertility and hatching rate of L. gonius under controlled conditions. Double doses of PG (an initial dose of 1.5mg/kg body weight and final dose of 4.0mg/kg body weight) and single dose of Ovuline® (LHRH-A) (0.4 -0.45ml/kg body weight) showed better results in case of females. Bothe PG and LHRH-A had shown better results of ovulation, fertility and hatching rate of L. gonius in the month of May-June. Males were administered with a single dose of Ovuline® (LHRH-A) 0.15 ml/kg body weight and PG 1.5 mg/kg body weight showed better results of spermiation. Highest GSI value (22.24%) and fecundity (300411±7.16) were found in 0.90±0.80kg body weighted fish and the lowest value of GSI (20.01%) and highest fecundity (380822±9.11) were found in 1.10±0.96kg body weighted fish. The highest fertilization rates (98.40±1.17%), hatching rates (88.03±2.76%) were recorded in treatment of PG and highest fertilization rates (98.64±0.84%), hatching rates (89.55a±0.88%) were recorded in treatment of LHRH-A. This experiment recommends Ovaprim and PG both are efficient for inducing ovulation, fertilization and hatching of L. calbasu. The hatchery operators may be used both PG and LHRH-A for induction of spawning better performance of L. gonius breeding.
Keywords: PG; LHRH-A; Ovulation; Fertilization; Hatchling; GSI
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