International Journal of Pharmacognosy & Chinese Medicine (IPCM)

ISSN: 2576-4772

Research Article

Ethnobiological Investigation of Plant Utilization for the Purpose of Arthritis Management in Nyamira North Sub-County of Nyamira County, Kenya


Traditional medical practices are common among many Kenyan communities, with herbal remedies consistently employed for arthritis treatment, despite the increased availability of conventional medicines. Therefore, it is of paramount significance to document these plants as a means of preserving the cultural knowledge of traditional medicines. Aim of the Study: The study aimed to identify and document medicinal plants utilized by traditional medical practitioners (TMPs) in Nyamira North Sub- County, Nyamira County. Materials and Methods: A field study was conducted in Nyamira North Sub- County. Thirty-six TMPs were selected and interviewed using semi-structured questionnaires. Information regarding the plants used was collected and documented. Frequency tables and data triangulation were employed to present the collected data. Results: A total of 48 species of medicinal plants belonging to 30 families and covering 38 genera were identified for use in managing arthritis. Thirty plant species were found to have reports of similar use in the literature, while 18 species were being reported for the first time regarding their use in arthritis. The most encountered families were Asteraceae (16.67%), Solanaceae (8.33%), and Fabaceae (6.25%). Most of the growth forms used were shrubs (46%), followed by herbs (31%), trees (15%), and climbers (8%). The most frequently used plant parts were the root/root backs (56%), followed by the leaves (20%), stem bark (14%), and the whole plant (8%). Conclusion: The present study identified and documented, for the first time, medicinal plants used to treat arthritis in the study area. It also revealed that eighteen (37.5%) of the traditional herbal remedies used to treat arthritis in the study area have not been reported in the literature. However, thirty (62.5%) are reported in the literature for similar use in other communities.

Keywords: Traditional Medical Practitioners; Arthritis; Ethnobiological Investigation; Nyamira North; Kenya

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