International Journal of Pharmacognosy & Chinese Medicine (IPCM)

ISSN: 2576-4772

Case Report

<p>A Case Study of Leech Therapy (Jalaukavacharana) in Khalitya W.S.R. Alopecia</p>



Leech therapy is a treatment using medical leeches. Leeches remove blood from their host, and they release pain killing and blood thinning substances with their saliva. Indications for treatment with medical Leeches blood and skin diseases like neurodermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, acne vulgaries, hair loss (Khalitya) and etc. Jalaukavacharana is a type of Raktamokshana which is very much useful especially in Pitta Dushti conditions and Rakta dushti roga. Current treatment procedures which include surgery, hair transplant, hormonal replacement therapy, topical applications and may be treated by local steroid injections are associated with many side effects. But in Ayurveda, the treatment procedures mentioned like Vamana, Nasya, Mukha & Shiro Abhyanga, Pradeha, Siravedha, and Raktamokhana using with Jalauka can provide a simple, pain less, economical treatment for this common element. A female patient of 28 years old was presented in our OPD with the chief complaint of scalp hair fall, associated with dandruff, itching, and roughness since 6 years. For that Jalaukavacharana was planned and result was significant assessments were observed clinically and recorded with photography.

Keywords: <p>Jalaukavacharana; Raktamokshana; Decongation technique; Khalitya; Alopecia; Jaluka</p>

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