ISSN: 2577-297X
Authors: Scanlone L
Introduction: Peripheral nerve block for pain relief in elective foot surgery is recommended by the national institute for clinical excellence. The aim of the current study was to evaluate this. Material and Methods: In a retrospective study on the quality of pain relief in 100 patients undergoing elective foot and ankle surgery using, the degree of pain relief, and the duration of anaesthesia was analysed. Three methods of local infiltration was used, US guided, guided by anatomical landmark and local infiltration at site of surgery. The data was collected using a questionnaire, assessed and discussed with the anaesthetic and the orthopaedic team. The surgery was for elective foot conditions with the patient under general anaesthesia. Results: Local surgical site infiltration was used in in 40 cases, Ultrasound guided (USG) local anaesthetic injection was given for 30 of cases, and infiltration using anatomical land mark was given in for 30 cases. The duration of anaesthesia was longer when USG block was used after general anaesthesia. The degree of pain relief was similar between blocks and local surgical site infiltration. Conclusion: Local surgical site infiltration at the end of the operation is effective in pain relief following foot surgery and is less time and cost consuming.
Keywords: Foot; Surgery; Pain; Block; Guidance
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