ISSN: 2578-465X
Authors: Jasmin A*
Purpose: To report a clinical analysis of three cases of Retinal Macroaneurysm with their systemic involvement. Method: An observational case series of three cases of Retinal Arterial Macroanerysm (RAM) presented at Chittagong Eye Infirmary & Training Complex (CEITC). Detail history of systemic and ocular disease, thorough clinical examination, best corrected visual acuity, slit lamp biomicroscopy, indirect ophthalmoscopy, Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (FFA), Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) scan were performed according to the cases. Diagnosis was made by ocular findings and appropriate ancillary tests. An internet search (medline search) and review of current literature on Retinal Arterial Macroanerysm were done and information relevant to our objectives was obtained. Result: Three patients presented with blurring of vision in affected eye. All of them were female & at or above sixty years of age. Three affected eyes of three patients were analyzed. Vision on presentation 6/60 or worse in affected eyes in all cases. Their anterior segment showed no abnormality. Fundus showed more than one RAM along upper temporal arcade of left eye in 1st patient, 2nd patient showed single RAM at macula along upper temporal arcade of right eye, 3rd one showed a round RAM surrounded with haemorrhage & exudates on macula along lower temporal arcade of right eye . Fundus fluorescin angiogram (FFA) revealed in all three patients hyper & hypo fluorescein at macular and surrounding area due to RAM and associated intra retinal haemorrhage and exudates. Opitcal Coherance Tomograhy (OCT) done in first 2 cases after laser therapy showed normal foveal thickening. Second case gets intravitreal injection avastin in addition to laser. After laser treatment first case showed visual improvement from counting finger ( CF) to 6/12, third case also showed improvement from 6/60 to 6/9 though short follow up, but second case showed visual deterioration fron 6/60 to counting finger with all the treatment. Conclusion: Though Retinal Macro anerysm is a rare disease but it can cause loss of vision due to foveal involvement. Proper and in time intervention may rescue the vision
Keywords: Retinal Macroanerysm; Retinal Laser
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