ISSN: 2573-1734
Authors: Rathnapala KV , Kathriarachchi UL , Kumarapeli CP , Jayasekara VS and Rajapakse PSK
The method of impregnation of heroin into some material is a very crafty modus operandi deployed by the drug smugglers globally. The complicated nature of this method makes it extremely challenging for the boarder protection authorities as well as the forensic scientists to apprehend and identify the contraband. A case of heroin impregnated into the fabric bath towels was received by Government Analyst’s Department (GAD) of Sri Lanka in 2010 which was successfully identified and quantified. Ten years after the first detection, the officers of the Police Narcotic Bureau (PNB) of Sri Lanka handed over a case with three heroin impregnated rubber carpets and powders of heroin sandwiched between rubber layers. This is the first time the Government Analyst’s Department of Sri Lanka received such a case after heroin impregnated towels.
Keywords: Concealment Methods; Heroin; Smuggling; Impregnated Rubber Carpets
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