ISSN: 2640-2734
Background: COVID-19 Pandemic had detrimental effects such as loss of aerobic fitness, musculoskeletal and cognitive decline which were mostly associated with physical inactivity. Athletes being the physically active person all the time, COVID 19 Pandemic will also affect their status of fitness. Hence the objective of this study was to assess the Mental and physical activity amongst athletes. Method: A cross sectional survey was conducted in which 150 athletes participated. They filled pre validated Self-reported questionnaire and Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale - 21 (DASH 21) and returned to the researcher. Result: Result of DASH 21 showed that 71.33% athletes were affected their mental status, 57.33% (CI- 49.01% - 65.36%) had Anxiety, 50.67% (CI- 42.39% - 58.92%) had depression and 34.67% (CI - 27.09 – 42.86%) had stress. Self reported questionnaire indicated 64.67% (CI- 56.45% - 72.29%) affected their physical training due to lockdown. Conclusion: Overall physical activity of the athletes was reduced, and had mental health problems as they were suffering from depression, anxiety and stress due to the COVID-19 lockdown.
Keywords: Athletes; Behavior; COVID-19; Physical Distancing; Social Distancing
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