Journal of Medical Case Studies (JMCS)

Mini Review

Ternate and Trine - Spermatocytic Tumour

Authors: Bajaj A*

DOI: 10.23880/jmcs-16000116


Spermatocytic Tumour emerges as a polymorphous, tripartite germ cell neoplasm reminiscent of developing spermatogonia, non-concordant to germ cell neoplasia in situ and demonstrates favorable prognostic outcomes. Tumefaction demonstrates aneuploidy and tumour cells characteristically lack anomalies within chromosome 12p. Cytological examination exhibits a cellular neoplastic component of variable magnitude as miniature cells, predominant intermediate cells and enlarged cells. Upon microscopy, pathognomonic tripartite cellular component is constituted of cells of variable magnitude described as miniature cells, intermediate cells and giant cells. Tumour configures nodules, cord-like pattern or peripheral inter-tubular cells enmeshed within a fibrinous perimeter.

Keywords: Spermatocytic; Tripartite; Aneuploid

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