ISSN: 2642-1143
Sepsis has become one of the global problems in the healthcare system in recent decades. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 49 million people suffer from sepsis every year, treatment of which leads to death in 11 million cases [1]. These figures of unfavorable treatment results are many times higher than similar statistics of the last SARS-CoV-2 pandemic [2], however, if the invasion of the coronavirus was accompanied by general shock and anxiety when changing the usual rhythms of public life, then the problem of sepsis, being constantly present, continues its gradual growth, attracting mainly the interest and attention of specialists. At the same time, on the one hand, the nature and features of septic complications belong to the category of extreme situations that are concentrated in emergency departments, but, on the other hand, the diagnosis of sepsis does not occur suddenly and such a patient’s condition is usually preceded by long-term monitoring and treatment of the underlying primary disease.
Keywords: COVID-19 Pneumonia; Inflammation; Pathogen; Sepsis; Virulent Microflora
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