Journal of Medical Case Studies (JMCS)

Case Report

Myelolipoma: A Rare Case Presentation and Review

Authors: Al Hmada Y*

DOI: 10.23880/jmcs-16000118


Background: Myelolipomas are rare, benign tumors composed of mature adipose tissue and hematopoietic elements, primarily encountered in the adrenal glands. However, their occurrence in other locations is exceptionally rare. Case report: We present our case of a 63-year-old male, presented with a sub xiphoid myelolipoma. This mass was incidentally discovered during imaging, with the patient reporting no associated pain or symptoms. Imaging studies were concerning for neoplastic etiology like liposarcoma. An interventional radiology (IR) biopsy revealed "unremarkable bone marrow." Subsequent resection confirmed the diagnosis of myelolipoma. Conclusion: The myelolipoma in this unusual location highlights the importance of considering tumor atypical locations in the differential diagnosis when evaluating patients with uncommon mass presentations

Keywords: Myelolipoma; Sub Xiphoid Mass; Extra-Adrenal Myelolipoma

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