ISSN: 2577-2953
Authors: Hsiu-Ling Hsu , Hsiu-Ling Hsu , Don Selvin , Bhuvana D and Shrisha SR
Physical ergonomics has shown to be an effective method of keeping an eye on any illnesses associated with, like, job-related tasks. Wearable sensors and artificial intelligence have been used in conjunction to enhance experimental ergonomic research techniques in the field of physical ergonomics, according to a number of recent studies. This study proposes the Smart Work wear System, a module-based ambulatory system that addresses work-related physical and psychosocial stresses that might impact health and performance. It supports risk assessment, technique training, and workplace design while reducing the requirement for expert trainers and ergonomists. Substituting measurements for observations improves measurement accuracy and repeatability. A modular platform allows for the connection of a variety of sensor types based on the individual requirements of each case.
Keywords: Wearable Stretch Sensors; Ergonomics; Human Movement Monitoring; Smart Work wear System; Ergo Sensor Innovations
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