Philosophy International Journal (PhIJ)

ISSN: 2641-9130

Research Article

Using Intelligent Systems to Manage Risks and Reduce Financial Risks using Artificial Intelligence in Large Companies

Authors: Talebibanizi AH

DOI: 10.23880/phij-16000319


This study was an attempt to examine the using intelligent systems to manage risks and reduce financial risks using artificial intelligence in large companies. The data collected from the data is collected from the stock organization and the stock securities of Iran. Moreover, the data is collected from 17 companies for ten years and the data was collected through the variance formula and then the results were examined using the SSPS method. Variance formula is σ ∧ 2=(Σ(xi-μ ∧ 2))/n The data is completely obtained from a reliable and correct source, which is related to the Department of Statistics of Iran’s Stocks and Securities. After categorizing and classifying the collected information and data, it is processed and analyzed, and the results and findings of this study are stated. In order to examine the research questions, appropriate tests (Shefe tests) were used to analyze the data. The analysis of data revealed that the findings of this study reveal that Shatran, Arya, Shebandar, Famili are profitable among other stocks. Other stocks are loss because of high cost of raw materials and sanction of Iran. Moreover, companies could not export their products. Plus, the purchase power of the people in the country decreases because of the inflation of the country, so the companies could not buy anything. On the one hand, liquidity power of people, on the other hand, less export lead to the decrease of cash flow, liquidity power of companies and firms and could not sell their products. It can be concluded that those stocks are loss and have high risk.

Keywords: Intelligent Systems; Artificial Intelligence; Risks

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