Journal of Ecology & Natural Resources (JENR)

ISSN: 2578-4994

Research Article

Assessing Threats to the Drill monkey (Mandrillus leucophaeus) and other Primate Species in Selected Ranges of Cross River National Park, Nigeria

Authors: Ofuya EE*

DOI: 10.23880/jenr-16000370


The population of the endangered drill monkey (Mandrillus leucophaeus) and other primate species have continued to decline in Cross River National Park (CRNP), Nigeria. The current threats responsible for the population decline was assessed in four selected ranges (Anape, Aking Orem and Nsofang) through administrative park record, interview of hunters and field observations that spanned 194days (between July, 2021 – August, 2022) covering a distance of 997km. A total of 58 interviews of hunters were conducted in seven communities (Anape, Aking, Osomba, Orem, Ntebachot, Nsofang and Mkpot). Ninetyfive (95%) reported a decline in the population of the drill monkey as (65%) stated a rare encounter. Also, 90% reported to hunt primates with 64% reporting to hunt drill monkey even though they are aware of the existence of CRNP. However, 79% expressed their willingness to stop hunting if an alternative livelihood was provided. Thirteen threat indicators were recorded in both season (wet and dry), distributed across the four ranges surveyed. Spent cartridge (dry=12.75±10.41; wet=6.25±5.91), wire snare (dry=8.25±4.73; wet=8.5±3.42) and logging (dry=3.75±3.61; wet=3.50±2.65) were the highest threat indicators and correlated with the administrative record on threat in a ten year period (2012 -2021) (hunting 34.3% and logging 35.5%). Encounter rate of threat was highest in Nsofang (dry=0.78/km; wet=0.76/km) which harbours an enclave community (Mkpot) and lowest at Anape (dry=0.05/km; wet=0.18/km) suggesting more protection of this area considering the conservation interest in the region. The Park authority is therefore implored to intensify protection efforts in these other areas with high anthropogenic activities while considering the possibility of a joint forest management with host communities.

Keywords: Endangered; Primates; Protection; Conservation and Threats

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