ISSN: 2574-2701
Authors: Otubuah BTN*
This message calls our world to put hunger to shame using the revealed examples of Homowo and ngmayem, an original ethnic food systems in Ghana. The occurrence of hunger over the centuries can be understood from hunger’s proverbial mood. The results of hunger on humans due to its numerous causes and it associated lessons compelled early Ga-Adangbe settlers in Ghana to independently initiate the concepts of ‘Homowo’ (hoot at hunger) and ‘Ngmayem’ (celebrate life foods) as food systems. The hidden systems and basics in these unique food systems of ‘hoot at hunger’ and that of ‘celebrate life foods’ was studied. Some notable findings from the concept of ‘hoot at hunger’ involves a comprehensive layout of hooting at hunger using sustainable agriculture and the following principles: an appropriate food with or without therapeutic effect, applicable technology, basic knowledge in food and nutrition, building a suitable organizational system driven by skilled humans across several communities, by recalling historical records of hunger in society, a set day of remembrance, eating good foods all day, by the story of who we are and where we come from, with unity of purpose as a community lead by honest leaders, and also by proper symbols, designs and expressions. A remarkable outcome from ‘celebrate life foods’ norm was that it showed a notable historical record about a people, their decisions, actions, dealings and group effort in time during a hunger crisis. Once again, both concepts call for the establishment of specialized centers for advanced studies on unique food systems of old and hunger around the world with a museum chronicling the past stories of hunger challenges among a people, district, nation and the world, their probable causes and its impact on their health, and how they invented exceptional systems and products to solve those problems. All these concepts are intended to transform or strengthen food systems.
Keywords: Homowo; Ngmayem; Ngma; Therapeutic; Museum; Food System; Transform; Hunger; Food
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