ISSN: 2573-1734
Authors: Hasan Y and Yahya A
The research describes current states of radicalization among Arb youth women and investigates the regional differences in the levels of radicalization among young Arab women from 12 Arab states: the Levant, which includes Jordan, Lebanon, and Syria; North Africa, which includes Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, and Algeria; and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), which includes Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, and Bahrain. As a sample, 2326 female students in their teen years were selected. Of these, the GCC comprises 1180 (50.7%), North Africa comprises 521 (22.4%), and the Levant comprises 625 (26.9%). We used a scale-appropriate questionnaire. The radicalization scale has a construct validity of (r = 0.73, α = 0.00) with the LSC scale., and the scale has high reliability (α = 0.96, N = 2326, items 44). Researcher founds a substantial impact of regional location on female radicalization in the GCC, North Africa, and Levant countries, as well as on each of the radicalization components individually.
Keywords: GCC; North Africa; Levant; Females; Radicalization; Young Youth; Arab World
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