Virology & Immunology Journal (VIJ)

ISSN: 2577-4379

Review Article

Environmental and Genetic Factors Modulating Immune Responses: A Preliminary Survey of Allergic Rhinitis and Co-Morbid Conditions in Immigrants to North America


Hammoudi D, Sanyaolu A*, Nagothu N, Nannapaneni K, Ariyathas T, Patel R and Rao A


Allergic rhinitis is an IgE mediated inflammation of the upper airway. It is a complex multi-factorial immune system response to environmental allergens that has been on the rise throughout the world, more so in the industrialized, affluent nations. However, the interaction between environmental and genetic factors in generating the susceptibility or tolerance to various allergens and the way it affects the immune response is poorly understood. We conducted a survey with the aim to examine whether change in environment by migration to North America affected individuals and made them prone to developing allergies and co morbid conditions. Study result indicated that 60% of the participants developed allergies only after migration with no prior experience of any allergic symptoms in their country of origin. Residence time seemed to have worsened the condition in all of these respondents. The study also showed that not all members of the migrant family showed similar sensitizations to allergens indicating that there may be genetic variations and underlying complex mechanisms of gene-environment interaction in breaking down an individual’s immune tolerance. However, the sample size relied on is small and not enough to provide statistical significance and solid conclusions.


Allergic Rhinitis; Epigenetic; IgE; Immune response; Immigration; North America

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