Journal of Ecology & Natural Resources (JENR)

ISSN: 2578-4994

Review Article

The Challenges Facing Global Biodiversity in Response to Climate Change

Authors: Abdel-Raouf A Moustafa*

DOI: 10.23880/jenr-16000373


Climate change is one of the primary factors contributing to the loss of biodiversity worldwide. The purpose of this review paper was to give serious thought about the present and future impacts of climate change on biodiversity, even though we are not aware of its synergistic effects on biological populations. In order to fully understand the biota's reactions to these climatic changes, we also concentrated on how these changes impact their phenology and physiology. This review article's subjects are covered in a non-random order to make it easier for readers to understand the connections between biodiversity and climate change. We also discussed about how 1.1°C of global warming brought about by human activity has altered the Earth's climate in ways never seen before and negatively impacted human health. We covered how to safeguard our biota by implementing practical conservation strategies at the end of this review article in order to reduce the effects of climate change on it. We hope that one day, because research on climate change and biodiversity protection is interdisciplinary and spans many different scientific areas, we will be able to address all these concerns and preserve our biota from their terrible consequences.

Keywords: Biodiversity; Climate Change; Species Extinction; Warming Impacts

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