ISSN: 2576-4772
Medicinal plants are traditionally used in different parts of Afghanistan since long back. Guldara is one of the districts of Kabul province where numerous plants are traditionally used in treatment of a wide range of routine diseases such as; gastrointestinal disorders, urinary tract infections, respiratory problems, skin diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and so on. But, published records of folk and traditional health approaches practiced in Guldara as well as other parts of Afghanistan are still very scarce. Ethnopharmacological field studies not only contribute in the public health domain but also serve as the basis for further pharmaceutical and medical researchers. In such context, present field study aims to record the plant crude drugs used traditionally in eight villages of Guldara district. Data were collected through questionnaires replied by local healers or Hakims, experienced elder individuals and patients using herbal crude drugs. Botanical name, family, common Dari/Pushto names, parts used, preparations and administration route, and indications of total 68 plants belonging to 30 families, and used by Guldara residents are reported in this paper. Herbarium specimens of 20 species were also prepared, and after being authenticated, were deposited in herbarium of Pharmacy faculty, Kabul University, for further use. Additional researches are emphasized for phytochemical and pharmacological studies of these plants to prove their rational usages by the rural people. Similarly, more works are required for reporting medicinal plants traditionally used in other parts of Kabul, and those of entire Afghanistan.
Keywords: <p>Afghanistan; Guldara district; Medicinal plants; Traditional usage</p>
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