Psychology & Psychological Research International Journal (PPRIJ)

ISSN: 2576-0319

Mini Review

Music Self-Concept: Structure, Correlates, and Differences across Grade-Level, Gender, and Musical Activity Groups

Authors: Vispoel WP* and Lee H

DOI: 10.23880/pprij-16000413


In this brief article, we describe how global and domain-specific components of music self-concept fit into the Shavelson, Hubner, and Stanton model of self-concept, how those components intercorrelate with each other, how they relate to other desirable outcomes and beneficial aspects of psychological functioning, and how those perceptions vary across grade-level, gender, and musical activity groups. We further offer suggestions for how to enhance music self-concept and related skills.

Keywords: Music Self-Concept; Psychology of Music; Musical Ability; Gender Differences.

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