Nanomedicine & Nanotechnology Open Access (NNOA)

ISSN: 2574-187X

Mini Review

Exploring the Nexus of Nanoparticles and Homoeopathic Potentized Medicine: A Narrative Review

Authors: Sheeba S*, Gopukumar ST, Ramya S, Sanju S, Reghu R and Shimmal Chenthik JP

DOI: 10.23880/nnoa-16000309


Homoeopathy, a system of alternative medicine, has long intrigued researchers and practitioners alike with its principles of dilution and potentization. Recently, the interaction between homoeopathic potentized medicines and nanoparticles has garnered attention, sparking debates and investigations into their potential correlation. Homoeopathic medicines primed at such great enfeeblements through no corporeal being of uniform, correspondingly solitary fragment of the unique ingredient is alleged to be hypothetically bizarre. This narrative review explores the current understanding of nanoparticles in relation to homoeopathic potentized medicine, highlighting emerging research, challenges, and prospects for future exploration.

Keywords: Homoeopathy; Medicine; Nanoparticles; Potentized

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