Open Access Journal of Gynecology (OAJG)

ISSN: 2474-9230

Research Article

Effects of Different Oxygen Levels and Time Points on Mitochondrial Respiratory Functional Analysis of Placental Tissue

Authors: Liu H, Tenzing N Patot MTV Wuren T and Ge RL*

DOI: 10.23880/oajg-16000290


The placenta plays an important role in fetal growth and development. The Oxygraph-2k mitochondrial function respirometer provides an accurate and realistic quantitative analysis of mitochondrial respiratory function and the energy metabolism of organisms. However, this machine is used less frequently in placental tissues, which consume do not consume as much oxygen as the heart, brain, or skeletal muscle tissues, therefore, it is crucial to develop a standard respiratory measurement protocol for placental tissues. For this, we tested varying oxygen concentrations (150–160 (ambient air), 200, 250, and 300 μM) and time tissue remains viable in respiratory medium (1.5~3, 3~4.5, 4.5~6, and 6~7.5 hour) to determine the optimal experimental conditions. As a result, we found no significant changes in mitochondrial respiratory capacity at different oxygen levels, whilst there was a decrease in mitochondrial respiratory capacity more than 3 hour after delivery.

Keywords: Mitochondrial Activity; Oxygen; Mitochondrial Oxidative Phosphorylation; Mitochondrial Respirometer

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