International Journal of Oceanography & Aquaculture (IJOAC)

ISSN: 2577-4050

Research Article

Status and Conservation Effort of Distance Waters Fisheries in Indonesia

Authors: Susanto A*, Purbayanto A and Wahju RI*

DOI: 10.23880/ijoac-16000312


Distant waters fisheries in Indonesia are an important fisheries sector which accounts for foreign exchange from the export of tuna and the tuna like commodities. Lack of private investment and government support led to the development of these fisheries is not as fast as coastal fisheries. In recent years, the government has provided significant support for the development of offshore fisheries, such as implementation of a policy of aid 1000 units of larger fishing vessels 30 GT to fishermen to operate in Indonesia EEZ waters, and provided some policies that support the fisheries including Indonesia’s participation in regional fisheries management organizations (RFMO). This will support better conditions for business activities of the fisheries. By becoming a member of RFMO, Indonesia plays an active role in achieving global sustainable fisheries management. Nevertheless, some important issues and problems in particular tuna fisheries is a challenge that must be solved. This paper reviews the status of distant waters fisheries in Indonesia and conservation efforts as well as the management of fish resources.

Keywords: Distant Waters Fisheries; RFMO; Tuna; Management; Conservation; EEZ; Indonesia

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