Virology & Immunology Journal (VIJ)

ISSN: 2577-4379

Research Article

Omicron B.A 2: Vaccine Construction with MHC Class-I, MHC Class-II by using Bioinformatics Tools

Authors: Rana Aftab Alam, Bushra Ajum, Muhammad Shaheer, Habibah Ishaq Hashmi, Rida Shafiq, Iqra Jabeen, Hanzala Inam, Muhammad Waqar Mazhar*

DOI: 10.23880/vij-16000345


SARS (COV-2) was recognized in 31/December/2019 in Wuhan city in the Hubei Provence of China. The omicron variant of COVID-19 reported in November 2021. Omicron can have many earlier documented mutations of other variant of concern (VOC) omicron is including 32 mutations of spike like protein, it is too compared of the 16 mutations. The omicron variant has been divided into four linages BA.1, BA.2, BA.3, B.1.1.529. BA.1 which could destroy our immune system and vaccine are not highly effective against BA.2.

Keywords: SARS (COV-2); Omicron; BA.2; MHC Class-I; MHC Class-II Vaccine

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