Medical Journal of Clinical Trials & Case Studies (MJCCS)

ISSN: 2578-4838

Research Article

Wrist Represent a Complex Anatomical System

Authors: Franjic S*

DOI: 10.23880/mjccs-16000363


The hand and wrist represent a complex anatomical system at the end of the upper limb of the human body, consisting of bones, joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles, nerves and blood vessels. This system allows a person to make very complex and precise movements and gives him the ability to use objects and move objects in space. The hand consists of 27 bones (8 bones of the carpus or metacarpus, 5 bones of the metacarpus or wrist and 14 phalanges or joints of the fingers), and in a broader sense we also include 2 bones of the forearm (radius or thumb bone and ulna). The upper arm bone, the humerus, and the forearm bones, the ulna and the radius, are the starting point for numerous muscles that very precisely move the joints and bones of the hand and wrist. Part of the muscle, the so-called short muscles of the hand, start and catch on the bones of the wrist and hand area. The range of motion in the joints, as well as the direction and position of the tendons next to the bones, is determined by the system of numerous ligaments. All these structures are subject to injuries and diseases caused by excessive use and pressure, as well as degenerative diseases. Numerous systemic diseases of an inflammatory nature and metabolic diseases also show their symptoms in the area of the hand and wrist.

Keywords: Wrist; Hand; Fractures; Implants; Health

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