Journal of Infectious Diseases & Travel Medicine (JIDTM)

ISSN: 2640-2653

Mini Review

Common Drugs Causing Xerostomia

Authors: Samia E*

DOI: 10.23880/jidtm-16000187


Saliva is need for maintaining a healthy mouth environment and general health.Many factors can affect the volume and compositions of saliva. Xerostoma which refers to a subjective sensation of dry mouth, is derived from the Greek words "xeros" (ξηρός), which means "dry," and "stoma" (στόμα), which means "mouth." Reduced salivary flow and altered salivary gland composition and function are the outcomes of xerostomia.Symptoms of xerstomia include dryness or a feeling of stickiness in your mouth. Saliva that seems thick and stringy, bad breath and having hard time chewing, speaking and swallowing. There are many different causes of xerostomia, which include medicine, aging, cancer therapy, nerve damage and tabaco and alcohol use. The most common drugs causing xerstomia anticholinergic drugs, antidepressant drugs, diuretics, calcium channel blocker and beta-blockers. Different mechanism of causing xerostomia cytotoxic drugs by direct damage to salivary gland, antidepressant drugs by their anticholinergic side effects, and diuretic by excreting more fluid and electrolytes.

Keywords: Xerostomia; Salivary Gland; Dry Mouth; Antihypertensive Drugs; Diagnosis

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