ISSN: 2578-4803
Authors: Uchendu IK* , Amokeoja OT , Nasralla MFS , Nnanyereugo VO , Nnanyereugo LC , Onuchukwu IC , Onyima PO , Okafor MC , Ugwu CC , Ezenma SN , Chigbo JI , Joboson JU , Oguzie BC , Bello TO , Okwor CP , Ajibo VC , Nwafor EC , Oku VC and Olokodana BK
This project investigates the influence of Open Data Kit (ODK) on Disease Surveillance and Notification in Osun State, Nigeria. Descriptive research design was used and 90 respondents were engage through total enumeration sampling technique. Open Data Kit is an application that is used to capture data with designed template, allows the creation, distribution and filling of questionnaire on mobile phone or tablet running the Android operating system which has the following discovered influences on disease surveillance and notification: Facilitates adequate collection of morbidity and mortality data, enhances accurate processing of morbidity and mortality statistics, facilitates uniformity in data capturing, enables orderliness in data registration and contact tracing of contagious diseases, facilitates easy design of data collection tools. Descriptive survey research method was adopted for this study to evaluate the influence of open data kit application on disease surveillance and notification officer in Osun State. The findings show that a large proportion of DSNO and their assistance were strongly agreed and agreed that Open Data Kit is an application that is used to capture data with designed template, allows the creation, distribution and filling of questionnaire on mobile phone or tablet running the Android operating system and Real-time mapping of responses in Google Maps is possible with the use of Open Data Kit which is similar to what has been found by (Open data kit history, August 2019). There are positive influences of open data kit application on disease surveillance and notification in Osun State.
Keywords: Open Data Kit; Disease Surveillance and Notification; Morbidity; Mortality; Statistics; Application
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