Public Health Open Access (PHOA)

ISSN: 2578-5001


Enhancing Healthcare Access in Conflict Zones: Identifying Challenges and Proposing Solutions

Authors: Ikpongifono UE*, Precious FK, Igwe SC, Uduak JB and Niji-Olawepo T

DOI: 10.23880/phoa-16000286


There are still many unanswered questions about the safety of affected communities' health in conflict zones, including access to healthcare. The main obstacle is the profound disruption that conflict causes to the healthcare system, which leads to a shortage of medical supplies, the destruction of buildings, and a large-scale evacuation of medical personnel. Security hazards also exacerbate this critical situation by impeding the safe delivery of help and the impacted communities' access to healthcare services. This condition however present chances for creativity and advancement. Technological developments, in particular telemedicine, provide a lifeline by bridging the gap between patients and healthcare practitioners by enabling remote consultations and the dissemination of medical information to areas afflicted by violence. A concerted effort involving technological innovation, stakeholder collaboration, community empowerment, and advocacy efforts holds promise in improving the dire situation and, in the end, guaranteeing vulnerable populations in these areas equitable access to healthcare, even though there are still challenges associated with providing healthcare in conflict areas. Finally, the provision of healthcare in war areas continues to be a complex problem, but proactive approaches that embrace technology innovation, teamwork, community empowerment, and advocacy work may be able to lessen these difficulties. Together, these concerns can be addressed to create a more equitable healthcare environment that will support vulnerable people during times of conflict. In order to improve healthcare accessibility in these unstable circumstances. This is paper aims to analyze the numerous obstacles and investigate viable solutions and avenue for advancement.

Keywords: Healthcare; Access; Conflict; Challenges

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