Open Access Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology (OAJMB)

ISSN: 2576-7771

Research Article

Isolation of Plastic Degrading Fungi from Plastic Dumped Sites

Authors: Nanhini A* and Anandhi JJJ

DOI: 10.23880/oajmb-16000290


Plastics that are biodegradable can be considered environment friendly, they have an increasing range of potential application and are driven by the growing use of plastics in packaging. In this study, the biodegradation of Low-density Polyethylene films was analyzed about 1 month of incubation in liquid culture method. In this investigation, soil samples were collected from two different plastic dumped sites and the fungus were isolated through spread plate technique from diluted soil samples. Among the six fungal isolates were tested for checking its degradation ability of plastics. This study showed the cultural analysis for its ability to adhere and grow on the LDPE films. The activity enzyme produced by these fungal isolates was responsible for the biodegradation. Isolating plastic-degrading fungi from plastic dumped sites serves several important purposes, Understanding the role of fungi in plastic degradation can shed light on the ecological impact of plastic pollution on ecosystems. It can also help identify potential solutions to mitigate this impact. Isolating fungi from plastic dumped sites contributes to the exploration of microbial biodiversity in these environments. It can lead to the discovery of novel fungal species with unique abilities to degrade plastic.

Keywords: Biodegradation; Microbial Biodiversity; Ecosystems; Food Industry; Environmental Pollution

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