Journal of Natural & Ayurvedic Medicine (JONAM)

ISSN: 2578-4986

Review Article

Review of Vishwachi (Cervical Radiculopathy) and its Management by Sahachara Taila Matra Basti

Authors: Rawat A

DOI: DOI: 10.23880/jonam-16000448


Cervical radiculopathy, a prevalent condition in today's world, arises from degenerative changes in the cervical spine. It commonly emerges during the fourth and fifth decades of life. Lifestyle factors, such as prolonged screen use, sedentary habits, and occupational strain, significantly contribute to its widespread occurrence. This ailment disrupts daily life, causing neck pain, radiating discomfort, and sensory disturbances. The contemporary surge in cervical radiculopathy highlights the impact of evolving lifestyles on musculoskeletal health, underscoring the need for proactive preventive measures. The Sushruta Samhita Nidana Sthana classifies Vishwachi under Vata Vikara, affecting the neck and upper extremities with symptoms akin to cervical radiculopathy. Both conditions share manifestations of Ruka, Stambha, Toda, Karmakshaya, and Chestapaharan of Bahu with Vata being the predominant Dosha responsible for Shoola. This article explores the impact of Matra Basti in managing Vishwachi, recognizing Basti as the premier therapeutic approach for Vata Vikara. There are many Siddha Taila used for Matra Basti in Vishwachi. Sahachara Taila (Cha.Chi.28/145) is one of them. The focus is on assessing the efficacy of Sahachara Taila Matra Basti in addressing the manifestations of Vishwachi, aligning with the acknowledged effectiveness of Basti in treating disorders associated with the Vata Dosha.

Keywords: Vishwachi; Cervical Radiculopathy; Matra Basti; Sahachara Taila

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