ISSN: 2640-2343
Authors: Sanghamitra S
Breast cancer is the third most common cancer in the world after lung and colon , and overall the commonest cancer among women in India. Early detection and diagnosis help in providing early treatment to the patients thereby significantly impacting overall survival rate. The different imaging modalities at our disposal include ultrasonography, mammography and magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography. Over and above, nowadays with emergence of breast conservative surgery for early stage cancers the role of the radiologist in performing various imaging guided breast interventions is also evolving. Imaging guided breast biopsies, marker placement, stereotactic biopsy, wire localization are some of the commonly performed procedures by breast radiologists in addition to other pain and palliation measures as described later in the article. In this review / perspective article, therefore, we try to discuss the salient features of the common imaging modalities available for breast cancer detection and staging as well as explore the emerging role of imaging guided interventions for breast cancer in this era of multidisciplinary approach.
Keywords: Mammography; X-Ray Imaging; Calcifications; Breast Cancer; Sonography; Magnification; Ultrasound; Breast; Imaging; Interventions
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