Vaccines & Vaccination Open Access (VVOA)

ISSN: 2578-5044

Research Article

Comparative 3D Modeling of Anti-HRP Sea Star Primitive Antibodies and Their Relationships with Mus Musculus Fab

Authors: Leclerc M*

DOI: 10.23880/vvoa-16000170


Presentations of sea star primitive antibody 3D modelizations, according AlphaFold and Swiss Model predictions were performed in EMBL Grenoble a superposition of the 2 predictions lead us to envisage a true link with a « part » of Mus musculus IG antibody: the Fab one of Heavy Chain. But, at every time, in such presentations, it could be contested by those who don’t believe in the existence of the IPA (Invertebrate Primitive Antibody) for various reasons we don’t want enumerate.

Keywords: Sea Star; Mus Musculus; Antibodies

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