Journal of Energy and Environmental Science (JEESc)

ISSN: 2997-6200

Research Article

Forecasting Gas Well Production and Analysing Pressure Dynamics: A Study of Transient Flow and Pressure Drop in Natural Gas Formation

Authors: Ekrem Alagoz* and Emre Can Dundar

DOI: 10.23880/jeesc-16000115


This paper presents an analysis of gas well production forecasting and pressure dynamics within natural gas formations. Focused on transient flow conditions and assuming Darcy flow with zero skin factor, the study delves into two key aspects: production forecasting and pressure drop analysis. The primary objective is to develop a production forecast until the average reservoir pressure declines to 2,000 psi. Additionally, the paper examines the pressure drop along the well, detailing its components including friction, acceleration, and gravitational potential, with depth profiles presented for at least one average reservoir pressure scenario. The analysis also considers temporal variations in pressure drop, providing insights into how these dynamics evolve over time. Through rigorous examination and discussion, this study offers valuable insights into optimising gas well production strategies and understanding pressure behaviour in natural gas formations.

Keywords: Gas Well Production; Transient Flow; Reservoir Pressure Decline; Darcy Flow; Frictional Losses

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