Mental Health & Human Resilience International Journal (MHRIJ)

ISSN: 2578-5095

Mini Review

The Role of Empathy in Medical Education and Clinical Practice

Authors: Voultsos P*, Gavra A and Andreou GN

DOI: 10.23880/mhrij-16000246


This article is a mini review article, which aims to cover focused aspects of the topic empathy in clinical practice and medical education and discuss its recent developments. Empathy is an integral component of the fundamental and dynamic physicianpatient relationship. Effective physician-patient relationship is essential to the provision of high-quality patient care. Physician empathy is an indispensable quality in a practicing medicine according to the principles of the so-called “patient-centered model of care”, which in turn, lies at the core of the so-called “good clinical practice” While physician empathetic behavior is necessary in clinical practice, it is rarely applied correctly for various reasons. The present study aims to discuss the nature of empathy (generally and in clinical practice), the role of empathy training during medical studies, and the means by which this can be achieved. Understanding the mechanisms that shape empathy in the physician-patient relationship deserves more careful attention. Empathy training should be integrated into medical curricula in the context of medical education.

Keywords: Empathy; Health Professionals; Physician-Patient Relationship; Patient-Centered Care; Empathy Training; Medical Education; Narrative Medicine; Theatre

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