Nursing & Healthcare International Journal (NHIJ)

ISSN: 2575-9981

Research Article

A Study to Assess Knowledge Regarding Hemophilia among Parents of Hemohilic Children in New Civil Hospital, Surat

Authors: Tajne A*, Patel R, Patel M, Patel S, Patel S, Patel T and Patel Z

DOI: 10.23880/nhij-16000314


Hemophilia was thought to be a uniform entity for several centuries. The discovery that the coagulation defect in the blood of one hemophilic could be normalized by infusion of blood from another hemophilic in 1940 led to finding that there were two types of hemophilia: hemophilia A, due to deficiency of coagulation factor Ⅷ and Hemophilia B, caused by the reduction of coagulation factor Ⅸ. Hemophilia was divided into three different degrees of severity: severe, moderate and mild. In severe hemophilia, the plasma content of coagulation factor activity is less than 1% of normal, compared with 1 to 4% in moderate hemophilia and 5 to 40% in mild cases.

Keywords: Assess; Knowledge; Hemophilia

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