Open Access Journal of Dental Sciences (OAJDS)

ISSN: 2573-8771

Review Article

Fabrication of a CAD-CAM Custom Modified Anatomic Healing Abutment based on Gingival Profile Measurement in an Instructional Dentition Model - A Dental Technique

Authors: Li W, Badral B, Tian Y, Li S, Wang H, Ruan N and Boldbaatar D*

DOI: 10.23880/oajds-16000397


This report introduces a new modified anatomic healing abutment designed to shape the gingival contour peri-implants. Experimental implants were placed in a dentition model after extracting a maxillary central incisor and a mandibular first molar. Scanning procedures were performed on the model. The reduction in gingival contour dimensions at the neck of the implants guided the development of the modified abutment. CAD/CAM technology was used to manufacture a titanium-based abutment, reducing chairside workflow time and minimizing costs. The present report presents the evolutionary progression of a modified anatomic healing abutment through its incorporation within a dentition model, thereby showcasing an avantgarde technology paradigm and methodological. The modified healing abutment has been intricately fashioned to cater to delayed implantation circumstances, in stark contrast to its conventional counterpart employed in immediate implantation scenarios. Its primary objective resides in the meticulous cultivation of an exquisitely defined gingival contour, thereby augmenting the aesthetic visage of the anterior dental region.

Keywords: Implant; Healing Abutment; Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD-CAM); Titanium

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