Haematology International Journal (HIJ)

ISSN: 2578-501X

Review Article

Unveiling the Lifeline: Blood Transfusions in Severe Breast Cancer Treatment

Authors: Emmanuel Ifeanyi Obeagu*

DOI: 10.23880/hij-16000257


Breast cancer, a pervasive global health concern, often presents in severe forms necessitating multidimensional treatment strategies. Blood transfusions stand as a crucial adjunctive therapy in managing severe breast cancer, mitigating hematologic complications and optimizing treatment outcomes. This review delineates the pivotal role of blood transfusions in the comprehensive management of severe breast cancer, encompassing their impact on anemia management, supportive care in chemotherapy and immunotherapy, and reduction of treatment-associated morbidity. Challenges including immunomodulatory effects, resource allocation, and transfusion-related complications are discussed, alongside future directions emphasizing personalized transfusion strategies, integration with emerging therapies, and patient-centered outcomes research. Through elucidating the multifaceted role of blood transfusions, this review underscores their indispensability in the evolving landscape of severe breast cancer treatment, guiding clinical practice and fostering advancements in oncologic care.

Keywords: Breast Cancer; Blood Transfusions; Treatment; Severe Cases; Chemotherapy; Immunotherapy; Anemia; Supportive Care

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