Clinical Dermatology Open Access Journal (CDOAJ)

ISSN: 2574-7800

Investigation Paper

A Survey on Sun Protection and Skin Cancer Understanding of Women at a Shelter in Long Island

Authors: Therese L* and Caleb S

DOI: 10.23880/cdoaj-16000327


As a medical student, I want to take action to make people understand the significance of skin health and protection from the sun. The United States faces a skin cancer epidemic, with cancer cases on the rise, emphasizing the importance of preventative education. However, not all people have the same opportunity to acquire this vital data. This is the reason why I am suggesting a skin education and sun protection advocacy project aimed at the high-risk communities in New York City. I aim to enlighten vulnerable groups to enable them to make reliable decisions that safeguard their health. I will start by doing workshops and practical training at women's shelters in the neighbourhood. Despite being one of the most preventable forms of cancer. Melanoma continues to claim lives due to lack of understanding and awareness regarding the skin health.

Keywords: Sun Protection; Skin Cancer

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