ISSN: 2578-5079
Authors: Kaur S* , Lalit M and Mahajan A
The foramen transversarium differentiates the cervical vertebrae from the other vertebrae of the spinal column. From the first part of the subclavian artery, the vertebral artery arises and passes through the foramen transversarium. FT protects the vertebral artery. The medial boundary of the luschka joint is a safe sight to protect the vertebral artery. The Uncovertebral Joint, also known as the Luschka Joint, is a joint that was formed by the Uncinate Process between the cervical vertebra bodies. These joints form the medial border of an intervertebral foramen in the cervical area below C-2 and are rarely found on the first thoracic vertebra. The present study was carried out on 100 dry human typical cervical vertebrae of unknown age and sex to determine the morphometric dimensions of FT and Uncinate Process in typical cervical vertebrae. The dimensions were taken by the digital vernier caliper on the superior aspect of the FT and Uncinate Process. The length and width of the FT were more on the left side than on the right side which was statistically insignificant (p-value >0.05). The narrow FTs were also observed in the present study. The mean difference between the Right and Left sides of the Uncinate Process was statistically not significant (p-value>0.05).
Keywords: Morphometry of FT; Morphometry of Uncinate Process; Cervical Spine; Constricted FT; Vertebral Artery; Luschka Joint
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