Virology & Immunology Journal (VIJ)

ISSN: 2577-4379

Mini Review

Measles: A Highly Infectious Viral Zooanthroponosis of Public Health Concern

Authors: Pal M*

DOI: 10.23880/vij-16000348


Viral diseases, such as Nipah virus, Covid-19, monkeypox, swine flu, Hendra virus, avian influenza, rabies, yellow fever, Rift Vally fever, and others are important cause of morbidity as well as mortality in humans and animals worldwide. Measles is one most devastating viral disease that is responsible to infect around 20 million people globally every year. Measles virus is more infectious than influenza virus. The incidence of measles is higher in children than adults, and outbreaks of disease usually occur in early spring and late winter. Disease can spread rapidly unless the herd immunity is sustained. Hitherto, humans are known as the only natural host of measles, and can infect the monkeys. Clinical symptoms including cough, coryza and conjunctivitis are observed in most of the cases. Laboratory tests, such as immunofluorescence, virus isolation, immunological and molecular tools can be useful to make an unequivocal diagnosis of disease. Since there are no antiviral chemotherapeutic agents are available to treat the sick persons, immunization is the mainstay to control the disease as it provides a lasting immunity of about two decades.

Keywords: Children; Epidemic; Immunization; Measles; Public Health; Zoonosis

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