Journal of Ecology & Natural Resources (JENR)

ISSN: 2578-4994

Research Article

The Impact of Sustainable Leadership in Project Management Success

Authors: Theocharis D*, Tsekouropoulos G, Mandalidis S, Tegkelidou E, Tsekouropoulou V and Arabatzis G

DOI: 10.23880/jenr-16000377


The advancement of science, technology, and global societal structures necessitates ongoing examination of how businesses and organizations function, along side the individuals comprising them. Achieving set objectives effectively is a shared responsibility between employees and management. Moreover, competent leadership is deemed essential in inspiring, motivating, rewarding, and challenging employees to continually enhance their performance. Within the realm of project management, the presence of capable leadership becomes particularly critical due to heightened workplace pressures and the constant need to align employees with project goals and timelines. The overarching aim of this research is to explore the impact of leadership on the successful execution of projects. Specifically, the study seeks to identify the essential traits a leader must possess to inspire subordinates within the contemporary framework of project management utilized by businesses today. The research was conducted among 158 employees from companies located in Greece, utilizing a convenience sampling approach. The findings indicate that the Project Manager's role significantly influences various aspects of project completion. Notably, the Project Man`ager has a substantial impact on ensuring projects stay within budget, followed by adherence to timelines and realistic project planning. Conversely, the influence of the Project Manager on data recording and utilization for future project execution is comparatively lower.

Keywords: Sustainable Leadership; Management; Project Management

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