Mental Health & Human Resilience International Journal (MHRIJ)

ISSN: 2578-5095

Research Article

The Relationship of Self-Compassion to Mental Health and Life Satisfaction: Emerging New Forms of Counseling

Authors: Klimenko O, Papadimitriou A and Karakasidou E*

DOI: 10.23880/mhrij-16000248


The current study aimed to explore the correlation between self-compassion and mental health indicators (anxiety, stress, depression), as well as life satisfaction within the general population. Research suggests that self-compassion acts as a protective factor against mental health issues and also contributes to increased life satisfaction, thus underscoring its significance in treatment approaches. Despite the recognized benefits of self-compassion in various aspects of individuals' lives, including its ability to mitigate negative symptomatology while simultaneously bolstering positive dimensions, therapeutic approaches often left minimal room for cultivating self-compassion. It seemed that self-compassion was altered primarily through challenging dysfunctional thoughts about oneself. Consequently, cultivating self-compassion holds substantial importance in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), particularly in third-wave CBT modalities such as Compassion-Focused Therapy, which emphasizes specific techniques for fostering self-compassion. The survey encompassed 140 participants, predominantly women, married individuals, graduates with higher education, and employed individuals. The findings revealed that self-compassion not only predicts but also exhibits a negative correlation with anxiety, stress, and depression, with its prevalence increasing with age. However, statistically significant findings regarding the association between self-compassion and life satisfaction were lacking, and no discernible differences were noted among genders. While acknowledging the study's limitations, there is a consensus that further research is warranted to bolster the evidence supporting the role of self-compassion in promoting mental health and life satisfaction through therapeutic interventions.

Keywords: Self-Compassion; Anxiety; Stress; Depression; Life Satisfaction; Compassion-Focused Therapy; Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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