Open Access Journal of Kinesiology and Sports Medicine (OAJKSM)

ISSN: 2995-0155

Research Article

Immediate Effect of Continuous Running on Red Blood Cells (RBC), Packed Cell Volume (PCV) and Red Blood Cell Distribution Width (RDW) Among Physically Trained Boys

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DOI: 10.23880/oajksm-16000114


Introduction: During physical exercise, the level of haematological parameters changes depending on the intensity and duration of exercise and the individual's physical fitness. Research results, based on samples taken before and after exercise, suggest that haematological parameters increase during incremental exercise. The purpose of the research work was to evaluate the acute effect of continuous running on Red Blood Cell (RBC), Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) and Packed Cell Volume (PCV)of physically trained boys has been aimed. Methods: Ten (10) physical education male students with an average age of 23.16±1.85 years participated in this study on voluntary basis. Red blood cell (RBC), Red blood cell distribution width (RDW) and Packed Cell volume (PCV) of the students were analyzed before running (BR) and just after 35 minutes of continuous running (AR). To find out the effect of contentious running ‘t’ test was calculated for each variable. In order to determine all those hematological parameters, blood samples with 5 ml EDTA were taken from the forearm antecubical area before and after contentious running, and analyzed in laboratory with using auto-analyzer (Sysmex XP- 100). Result: Measurement results were presented as average and standard deviation. Student T-test for dependent samples was used in order to make a comparison between BE and AE values. P<-0.01 value was considered to be significant. The result of the study revealed that, the increase in AR than BR values for Red Blood Cell (RBC) and packed cell volume (PCV) significantly but no significant changes shown in case of Red Blood Cell distribution width (RDW). Conclusion: Conclusively Red blood cell (RBC) and Packed Cell Volume (PCV) displayed significant incensement and insignificant decrease of RBC distribution width (RDW) in relation to acute effect of continuous running.

Keywords: RBC; RDW; PCV; Continuous Running

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